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Why is this so hard!?

I started this website and blog page to share with you my passion and gratitude for yoga and how I have made some huge changes in order to share my learning with others... yet here I am struggling to convey anything at all. Every time I sit down to add a post I cannot seem to find the most inspiring quote or ancient nugget of choose the right photo or think of the suggested 'catchy title'. So here I go- just writing what comes out of my thoughts. Since my last blog I have project managed the complete redesign and installation of the vision I had for a yoga studio at the bottom of my garden. And right now, well, I'm sitting in it typing this post.

I manifested this space and I love it. But sharing this seems unfamiliar to me. I've never done anything like this before and I question "why do you want to hear about it!?" Well, I suppose you only have to read it if you choose to, and therefore that is out of my control so why speculate, worry or fret!? The point is, I dreamed this up and then I clung onto it, I visualised it, I made it happen. I didn't simply want it- I made changes, took multiple tiny steps in the direction of this vision (including seeking medical advice, counselling, self-care, prioritising what really matters to me and walking away from that which no longer serves me, valuing my self-worth). What started off as a dream soon became a reality once I believed in it and in myself.

At the beginning of 2022 I was struggling to cope in a full time teaching job and losing touch with my true self. Now I am trusting myself and flowing with the power of manifestation.

I am and I can.

Say that to yourself and see what your dreams are whispering to you.

Thank you for subscribing to my site. If you haven't already attended your free class please do contact me with any questions and let's connect.

Nicci x

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